Area |
Population |
Religion |
Language |
Literacy |
Life Exp. |
11,783 mi2 | 10,225,000 | Roman Catholic, Protestant | Flemish, French, German | 99% | 77 Years | |
Belgium, under a 1988 international treaty, became the first European country to eliminate all intermediate-range nuclear weapons. After centuries of invasion and occupation, this crossroads of Europe now stands at center stage in the newly unifying continent. Although divided between Dutch-speaking Flemings in the north and French-speaking Walloons in the south, Belgium is bolstered by a strong economy and can compete in the new single-currency European marketplace. The capital, Brussels, is headquarters of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Belgium takes pride in its architecture-cathedrals, city squares, town halls-much of which dates from the Middle Ages. |