5 May 02

Home Up Next


Ciao, all!


Well, never finished that last, very late, letter!  But that's okay!


We saw our baby!!!!!!!!!!  It was so amazing!  I think I still was afraid it would all turn out to be a mistake, or a dream, or something.  I was astounded to see for myself that it is really IN THERE!  We saw the heartbeat and we saw the baby moving its head.  It was incredible.  We will have another ultrasound around 18-20 weeks.  That is when they may be able to tell if it is a boy or a girl, but we don't want to know.  We want the surprise!


Our friends have all gone home now.  We left immediately after the last visitors left (and immediately after our Dr. appt) for Germany for a work trip for Mike.  It was nice to have some time alone together, but it was a LONG trip and we are glad to be home!


We've bought even more veggies for our garden - yellow squash, and red peppers, and we haven't planted them yet.  We got in last night and it has been raining today.  But all the plants look healthy, so we're excited about that.  Our rose arbor is blooming like crazy, and it's really springtime here now.  I will take some pictures to put on here soon.


I would write more but I need to label some pictures here on the site so that we can update the site.  I will write more later...


I love you all,
