Shelly's Letters

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10 November 2002

Past Letters5 May 02
25 April 02
20 November 01
29 October 01
1 October 01
20 September 01
4 September 01
19 August 01
14 August 01



Ciao, family!


It seems that every time I write on here anymore, I am apologizing because it has been so long.  This time is the worst, I think.  One good thing, though, is that we have been lucky enough to come home fairly often this year, or at least I have, so between those trips and constant email, I still feel "in touch" with everyone.


Mike has been away for about 2 1/2 months now, but it seems like much longer.  We pray every day that he will be home in time for Baby's arrival!  If you are reading this, your prayers would be appreciated too.  We have been blessed with a very healthy pregnancy from beginning until now (nearly the end!) and we are so thankful for that.  Another blessing has been that everything has gone so smoothly here at home (knock wood, right?).  No major disasters or even aggravating home maintenance issues, really.


Let's see, what to share when it's been so long since I wrote?


I was thrilled to be able to come home to the states for five weeks of this time Mike has been gone.  That was so wonderful and so relaxing, just spending time with family and friends.  Since I got back, two of my friends here have given me a baby shower, which was wonderful, and I have been keeping busy with the spouses' group here, with decorating the nursery and getting ready for Baby.  I guess since it has been so long since I wrote, I can also tell what a GREAT trip home Mike and I had in June/July!  Amy gave a baby shower during that time, which was lots of fun.  We went to a friend's wedding in Virginia, and to the beach with the family for a week, which was great.


Baby is huge (check out the pictures on the Baby page if you want to see just how huge we are both getting!), and very strong and very active!  S/he is constantly pushing and kicking and poking, and I am loving it!  I am not at all tired of being pregnant, in fact I think there will be a tiny part of me that will be sad when it is over!  I mean, of course I can't wait to meet our little miracle, and find out whether to call him/her, "him" or "her", but I continue to so thoroughly enjoy carrying him/her around inside me that I am not quite ready to give it up.  I do get achy and tired, but it is so worth every discomfort!!!


Mom (soon to be Nonna!) will arrive soon, planning to be here when Baby makes his/her appearance.  So long as Baby doesn't decide to be early (which we are praying very hard against), she will get to be here for the big day!  God willing, Mike will be here in time too.  Daddy (PawPaw) will arrive in December, and we will all spend Christmas together.  We are looking forward to this Christmas so much!  We will miss being home with everyone, though.  This will be the first time I have ever been away from home for Christmas!  We will miss all of you and we're hoping your holidays will be just wonderful!


For now, with Thanksgiving on the way, I am thanking God for each of you and for our exciting little miracle on the way!


With much love,
